Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Updated astrological score of John McCain

Since presentation of the last post “Forecast of 2008 US Presidential Elections based on Astrology-Mathematical Model” on September 9, 2008, the birth certificate of John McCain is now being made available by Steve and is reproduced in dated October 21, 2008. McCain’s Time at birth is now 18.25 and not 9.00 considered in the previous blog. The present blog thus presents revised score of McCain. (Incidentally, there is no change in Obama’s previous score as it was based on time given in the birth certificate.)

In the context of new but authentic time at birth, astrological score of McCain is now 1,782 days and not 2,108 days stated in the last blog. Apparent reduction in the score is result of Moon falling in the seventh house from debilitated Mars. This led to reduction of 243 points in McCain’s score. Secondly, Venus now is in the sixth Zodiac in his birth chart and thus it is debilitated. Moreover, the owner of sixth Zodiac is NN placed in ‘Mula’ asterism- the weakest one in total of 27 asterisms. This led to further reduction of 38 points. Mercury too is in the same zodiac causing reduction of 45 points.

Thus, astrological scores of Barak Obama (1,737 days) and John McCain (1,782) have turned out to be close to each other making it very difficult to judge final outcome of election purely based on the score. Thus one has to look into the other aspects for astrological charts for judging election outcome.

Historically, debilitated Venus has proved to be weak endowment for its owner. Debilitated Venus spoiled political life of many US presidents. These include Franklin Pierce, Rutherford Hayes, James Garfield, Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover and Bill Clinton. McCain too would face some anxious moments for such placement of Venus. Moreover, Venus in McCain’s case is placed in sixth house whose owner NN is in ‘Mula’ Asterism indicating more serious weakness of Venus. McCain’s Venus is thus of very poor quality. So also is his Mercury which is in the sixth house having equally poor connotations to its owner for similar reasons. Debilitated Mars further added to his nightmare. As stated in the previous blog, Pluto’s placement in fourth zodiac owned by Moon would lead to humiliation in McCain’s life.
On the other hand, Moon and Pluto in Obama’s horoscope are exalted and thus are powerful. Moreover, Obama’s Moon is located in its own asterism and also its sub-asterism. The owner of fourth Zodiac in which Obama’s Sun and Mercury are placed is Exalted Moon. This has given considerable strength to his life. NN in the neighborhood of exalted Pluto has strengthened NN – a necessary condition for a politician to become dynamic. Only negative aspect of Obama’s horoscope is debilitated Jupiter. Thus, Obama has a superior horoscope to that of McCain’s. This indicates better chances for Obama to get elected.

Notwithstanding, Obama (1,737 days) or McCain (1,782 days), if elected, will be one-term president owing to the score far short of the two term upper limit of 2,920 days constitutionally fixed for a President since Twenty Second amendment becoming effective in 1951.